Codefresh Steps: Reusable Code for Common Operations
This page provides code you can use to perform common operations in the Codefresh CI/CD platform.

Push an image push

Push a docker image to a registry.


  • candidate - The identifier of the image to push to the remote Docker registry. It can be an explicit identifier of an image to push, or a variable that references a Build step.
  • credentials
  • image_name - The tagged image name that will be used The default value will be the same image name as of the candidate.
  • registry - The registry logical name of one of the inserted registries from the integration view. The default value will be your default registry.
  • registry_context - The registry logical name of one of the inserted registries from the integration view. The default value will be your primary registry by image domain.
  • tag - The tag under which to push the image. Use either this or tags. The default is latest.
  • tags - Multiple tags under which to push the image
  type: push
    candidate: '${{build_step_name}}'
    tag: latest
    image_name: codefresh/app
    registry: my-registry
Codefresh INC
Jun 10, 2020